WhatsApp Templates
Templates and it's features
Templates are a structured form of messages that you send out to your customers after receiving approved by Meta. The official turnaround time is 48 hours for the template message to get approved by Meta, at times the template will get approved within 15-20 minutes.
The basic outline of a template message consists of a header, body, footer and buttons
Header: A header is an optional section at the top of a message used for key information or context, such as a title or branding. It can be set to none, or include text, an image, video, document, or location.
Body: The body section is where the main message content is composed, intended to be read by the customers.
Footer: A footer is an optional section in a message template that appears below the body text, typically used for supplementary information or disclaimers.
Buttons: Buttons are interactive elements in a message template that allow users to take specific actions, such as quick replies or triggering a call to action, enhancing user engagement and interaction.
Types of interactive buttons
Marketing opt-out button
It is recommended to include this as a button, allowing customers to opt-out of receiving marketing messages.
Custom button
This button defines specific actions, tailored to your messaging needs.
Visit Website button
This button enables you to add a link to your website, directing users to your online platform.
Call phone number button
This button provides the option to add your company’s phone number, enabling customers to initiate a direct call.
Product catalogue button
The product catalogue button lets users browse and view a business’s product offerings directly within a chat.
WhatsApp flow button
This button guides users through interactive steps to complete tasks like bookings or orders.
Last updated