Create a template

Templates are a structured form of messages that you send out to your customers after getting approved by Meta. So, how do we create them ?

Marketing Custom Template
  1. Navigate to the dashboard -> WhatsApp -> Templates

  2. Click on “Create Template

  3. Choose category as Marketing -> Custom

  4. Click on Continue

  5. Name the template and choose the language

  6. Select your desired header type (optional)

    1. The header can be set to 'None'

    2. If 'Text' is selected as the header, enter the desired text message.

    3. If 'Image', 'Video', 'Document', or 'Location' is selected as the header, you will have the option to upload the corresponding file

  7. Compose a message inside body

  8. Add a message in footer (optional)

  9. Add buttons (optional)

    1. You can add up to 10 buttons, with a maximum of 2 website buttons and 1 call phone number button

  10. Click on “Submit

  11. A notification will be shown saying the Template message sent successfully

  12. Click on sync template after 5-10 minutes to check the status of the template

Marketing Catalogue Template
  1. Navigate to the dashboard -> WhatsApp -> Templates

  2. Click on “Create Template

  3. Choose category as Marketing -> Catalogue

  4. Click on Continue

  5. Name the template and choose the language

  6. Choose a Catalogue format

    1. Catalogue message – Displays the entire product catalogue

    2. Multi-Product Message - Showcases up to 30 selected products from the catalogue

  7. Compose a message inside body

  8. Add a message in footer (optional)

  9. “View Catalogue” is the only button supported for this template

  10. Click on "Submit"

  11. A notification will be shown saying the Template message sent successfully

  12. Click on sync template after 5-10 minutes to check the status of the template

Utility Custom Template
  1. Navigate to the dashboard -> WhatsApp -> Templates

  2. Click on “Create Template”

  3. Choose category as Utility -> Custom

  4. Click on Continue

  5. Name the template and choose the language

  6. Select your desired header type (optional)

    1. The header can be set to 'None'

    2. If 'Text' is selected as the header, enter the desired text message.

    3. If 'Image', 'Video', 'Document', or 'Location' is selected as the header, you will have the option to upload the corresponding file

  7. Compose a message inside body

  8. Add a message in footer (optional)

  9. Add buttons (optional)

    1. You can add up to 10 buttons, with a maximum of 2 website buttons and 1 call phone number button

  10. Click on "Submit"

  11. A notification will be shown saying the Template message sent successfully

  12. Click on sync template after 5-10 minutes to check the status of the template

Authentication Template
  1. Navigate to the dashboard -> WhatsApp -> Templates

  2. Click on “Create Template

  3. Choose category as Authentication

  4. Click on Continue

  5. Name the template and choose the language

  6. Select “Copy Code” under Code delivery setup

  7. Content for authentication message can’t be templates

    1. Additional content can be selected from the given option

  8. Only one button is available for this particular template

    1. Button text is customisable

  9. Click on "Submit

  10. A notification will be shown saying the Template message sent successfully

  11. Click on sync template after 5-10 minutes to check the status of the template

Last updated